Igniting the Sacred Fire Within

A 4 week workshop series for men who are confused about their role in the world amidst a constantly shifting definition of masculinity

An ever changing cultural landscape has left men wildly confused about their role in today's world. The definition of "masculine" has changed so often men are left spinning in circles, not knowing how to act or what to say. Be powerful... yet vulnerable. Stand firm... but flexible. Be a warrior... but a nice one.

This is for the men…

struggling with their masculine presence who want to understand this confusion and replace it with power, purpose and passion.  It's for men who are stuck in relationships or careers that are unfulfilling and want to transform their fear into greater self-esteem and courage.

Do you feel…

  • Fear or insecurity about how you show up in the world

  • Stuck or blocked

  • Challenged by interpersonal relationships

  • Unclear about your purpose or career

  • Low self worth or confidence

In today's divisive social climate, "masculine" seems inevitably linked with the "toxic masculine." The result? Men are confused, tentative, and disengaged. This sinking feeling is often reflected in their work and relationships. They fail to show up with purpose. Deep down, they know instinctively that something is missing inside. But what?

Here is the opportunity

A safe space to learn, connect and go deep within to empower the sacred masculine and show up with greater integrity, purpose and clarity!

The Modern Masculinity Workshop


During the four weeks, we'll explore the powerful and deeply-rooted masculine roles, or archetypes, that range from leaders to truth-tellers. They reside in all men and crave to be unleashed. Together we will also examine the masculine and feminine energetic dynamic and honor the mind-body-spirit connection through somatic experiencing. We'll discuss the masculine code of respect, honor and sacrifice, and how all of these can be embraced today in subtle yet powerful ways that can help men be the man they've always wanted to be.


  • Welcome and empower all aspects of the divine masculine

  • Balance the masculine and feminine energies within

  • Release wounding and societal programming around the masculine paradigm 

  • Build self trust and inner authority

  • Learn how to hold safe space and embrace the divine feminine energies around you

  • Build self compassion in community

  • Gain more clarity and self confidence

*Interested? Proceed to workshop checkout below!

Your Guides:

Matt and Sterling are two dear colleagues in the somatic and coaching space. They are coming together to offer this unique program, sharing from both the masculine and feminine perspectives.

  • Sterling is an artist, mentor and medicine woman with a passion for somatic healing, breathwork, energy healing and transformational retreats. She finds joy in her creative and highly intuitive process offering transformational sessions and retreats as sacred containers for healing and personal growth. Through her radical acts of self exploration, acceptance and heart coherence she embodies a life in flow, inspiring alignment and soul activation in others.

  • A former healthcare journalist and filmmaker, Matt Perry is a Somatic Coach with extensive experience in men’s work, who helps others dissolve long-time blocks to help them reach their potential. He applies equal parts clarity and compassion, and has been called “A powerful truth-teller and catalyst for change.”

The Details:

(4) 90min Virtual Workshop Sessions

  • WK 1: The Modern Crisis of Masculinity / Archetypes

  • WK 2: History of Men’s Work / Modern Programming / Somatic Releasing

  • WK 3: Masculine & Feminine Energies / Relationships

  • WK 4: Regaining Masculine Power & Presence / Holding Space

Coming spring 2024!

(Can’t join live? Replays available)

Investment: $222

*Interested? Proceed to workshop checkout below!